About me

Hi, I am Wiktor Zajac, also known as CreatixLink to this heading

I am a 19 year-old student & software developer. I finished secondary school in May 2023 and I am about to start college in October, on Polish Japanese Acedemy of Information Technology, part-time, in Warsaw. Since June, I work as a Flutter Developer in Onwelo.

I love Software Engineering in all its glory. I like working on projects where many languages are involved and broad knowledge on many subjects is required. Currently, my main area of expertise is Mobile Development with Flutter, but I am also passionate about Cloud, Distributed Systems & Golang.

But… Let’s start from the beginning…

My programming journey began in 2019, with an Udemy course about web-development, shared with me by my uncle whom I am grateful for that till this day! Well… Actually it is not entirely true. I tried to learn programming 2 times before that, but I failed. Complexity of loops was to overwhelming for me back then.

The start was not easy though, since all my computer activities before was only gaming-related. Fortunately, after some time, systematic work started to pay off and things became at least a little bit more understandable than a black magic.

After some time spent on learning HTML & CSS, my dad asked me to create a website for his small business, thus I gained a pressure. I am not gonna lie - I am not 24/7 motivated, I guess noone is. Therefore I believe a little bit of pressure is extremely useful sometimes. That time was no different - it significantly boosted my productivity, because failure was not an option. Hours spent on building the website paid off - I also learnt Bootstrap along the way, so the website was even responsive! Not to beautiful though… Anyway, first success - could not be better!

Later on, I put my first steps in Node.js and Linux. Things finally started to get interesting and demanding. It was a moment, in which I decided to stop playing video-games and spend most of my free time educating instead. Maybe ‘decided’ is a wrong word though, it kind of just happened without me realising it at first. I was spending a lot of hours in front of a computer everyday (I still do), but do not take me as a total nerd. Besides programming, I used to be addicted from sports, mostly handball. I even was a handball goalkeeper of my state representation, for a few years! Currently, gym and outdoor activities are still a big part of my life.

After dedicating a lot of my time to Node.js, I created a complex Online Shop with payments, PDF generator, admin panel and much more! It required me to learn MongoDB, Mongoose and Stripe, but it was an amazing adventure. In fact, it was also meant to be a paid job, but I could not compete with Wordpress Developers. Fortunately I realised my lack of chances late enough to finish the project 😅

I wanted to try something new, hence I did not push with any front-end framework or library like React. Instead, I started to jump around various technologies. C# was the first shot, along with the Unity Game Engine. I quickly realised that I am not keen on it and turnet to .NET, as an alternative for Node.js. It also did not stick with me for too long - I am not a fan of C# till this day, the amount of boilerplate is disgusting (I know Flutter has a lot of it too, but I am a hypocrite).

Next was Golang, which really fascinated me from the very beginning. I have started learning it by doing a 24 hours challenge, during which I created a Discord Bot. I know the code is hella messy, forgive me, please. I love to look back at it, just to see how much progress I made. I still love to use Golang when it fits the problem and I would love to gain more experience with it in the future, especially by building Distributed Systems.

Right after that, I encountered Flutter and decided to try myself in the Mobile Development. It happened to be a bull’s eye. I created a few projects with Flutter and Golang, and these technologies are my favorite ones till this day.

From October 2021 to February 2023, I worked part-time as a Flutter Developer. I created a few end-to-end android & iOS applications, with Flutter and Firebase. Thanks to that I gained a lot of experience and also kind of fall in love with Cloud, I am even Google Cloud Certified Cloud Digital Leader 😅 It surely is not my last Cloud certificate.

As you can suspect, I did not stop on it, and still was trying new technologies in a meantime. I even tested myself and experimented with an Assembly for a few days! I have to admit that even Fibonacci algorithm was really demanding, but I finally made it! Low-level programming is extremely interesting and I recommend everyone to experiment with it. If you are Polish, Gynvael’s Coldwind book ‘Zrozumieć Programowanie’ is a must read.

Longer than a few days was - and in fact, still is - my adventure with C++. I solved hundreds of algorithmic problems with it, and implemented a few really fascinating data structures, e.g. Red Black Tree.

Nowadays, I am about to start a new job as a Junior Flutter Developer! I hope it is going to be a real game-changer in my career, therefore I can not wait.

If you last till this moment, and you are curious what tools do I use on daily basis, here is the answer: I use MacOS along with the JetBrains IDEs, and Neovim for small things. I used to be Arch Linux enjoyer for almost 2 years btw 😅

That is all about my programming background for the moment, now something about my non-technical side!

I am a just a regular teenager, though after reading stuff above, you may think that I do not leave my basement. That is not the case, fortunately. I hang out a lot and enjoy going out on the parties to meet new people! I truly love to have a deep talks, therefore I am a fan of Lex Fridman, which in my opinion is the best at having a deep conversation.

I am amused by most of the outdoor activities - everything is extremely enjoyable, as long as great people accompany you. I love nature - my grandma lived in a small village near the forest, and I spent a big part of my childhood there.

I participated in a student exchange with German people in 2017. It was one of the best periods in my life and since then I can not wait to have a possibility to travel and get to know new cultures! In February 2022, American soldiers were stationed near my city. Me and my two friends, made friends with three of them! It was unquestionably the best few months of my life. Since then, the USA is on my radar and I am hoping to visit it soon!

In free time, I love to write, in order to express myself. Unfortunately, I hide those kind of texts in the cupboard for now, but it may change someday! As for now, I only published a few technical things, and I want to do it more often with help of this blog.

I enjoy to help others on daily basis. It is insanely satisfying to see someone gain knowledge with my help. I am aware that I do not know everything, quite the opposite. That is why I love to participate in discussions and hear from much smarter people than me!

One last important fact is music. I can not live without it - it accompanies me on every step of the day! You can check out my [Spotify] (https://open.spotify.com/user/31cjn53roftnxlbwgvnt6xepa2qm?si=9c58dd92d0bd4963) if you are curious what do I listen to.

That is all to know about me, I hope I did not bore you too much. Thank you for reading!

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